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Fine Scale Miniatures FSM
Butcher's Way
This is my first FSM I added to my Layout. I change the name of the Slaughterhouse to P.J.'s Meat Co.

Elijah Roth & Son
This is my second FSM I added to my Layout. I change the name of the Elijah Roth & son to.
John Nicholas & Sons

Oatman's Mercantile
This is my third FSM I added to my Layout. I change the name of the Oatman's Mercantile to.
Gennaro's (Jerry) Mercantile

Plate Girder bridge from Engel West End to LGA Lumber
For years this was the bridge connecting those location. I decided last year to replace this bridge with a Plate Girder Bridge

The first thing I decided to do was to manufacture spline roadbed from Masonite. Once the spline roadbed was completed I added Micro Engineering Plate Girder Bridge Kit P/N 80-166 scale 50' Bridge Plate to the spline.. On top of the bridge plate I added Micro-Engineering, HO Scale Bridge flex-track code 83, P/N 255-11101

My next step was to add the concrete road under the bridge. I make my concrete roads with DAP Fast'N Final. I will explain how are make them on the page titled, Roads and Sidewalks

Below is the finish product.

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